Contemplating Single Motherhood?

If you're just starting out on your journey--trying to decide if getting pregnant alone is right for you--then start here.  I've curated my most relevant blog posts, services and resources for women considering becoming a single mom by choice.

Read These Blog Posts About Becoming A Single Mom by Choice

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Trying to pick a sperm donor? Get my free guide


Taking The Leap To Single Motherhood?

Is time was running out to have a baby but you're still single?

Thinking about doing it alone?

Or maybe you’ve made the choice to have a baby alone but are finding the process overwhelming?


TRIBE Signature Level Support groups provide a community of like minded women who are all thinking and trying to process the concerns and navigate the logistics with.

You get:

  • Weekly Video Support Group Calls
  • A private online forum
  • Tons of done for you research to save you tons of time
  • Emotional support for the ups and down
  • Reflection exercises and content to help you process the common concerns of most women on this journey





Fertility Doula

Whether you are trying to conceive with a partner or as a single mom by choice, sometimes figuring out how to get pregnant is mind-boggling and far from romantic. There are so many decisions from choosing a sperm donor, to inseminations, IUI's, in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments. You don’t have to do this alone.  I work with you on every aspect of the journey to motherhood as your guide, confidant, sounding board, mentor, life coach, emotional rock, and research partner.

Contact me to discuss the program that's right for you.

fertility doula

What's Next?

Trying to get pregnant but it’s not working? Is it time to reevaluate your next steps and contemplate egg donation or adoption?

The options and logistics can be mind boggling. I've been through infertility myself and can help you make the best decisions and resolve lingering hesitations so you can welcome your baby with an open heart. Let me guide you through your options and decisions.

book for home page


Motherhood Reimagined reveals what happens when we release what's expected and embrace what's possible.

This honest and informative memoir examines the issues facing both single moms by choice and any woman facing fertility issues and third party reproduction.

Motherhood Reimagined answers many questions such as: Why would someone decide to have a baby alone? How does one come to terms with not having a genetic link to her child? How can infertility be a means for personal growth and spiritual awakening?

Read More>>


press Sarah kowalski