should I freeze my eggs? pros and cons of egg freezing

Do I Wish I Had Frozen My Eggs?

I feel at the same time, very cynical about companies paying their employees money to freeze their eggs so they can put off starting a family and thrilled that this technology is available to provide more opportunities for women. I was one of those women who after putting my career first, just couldn’t seem to…

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Sarah kowalski smc coach

My 2017 Promises to YOU!

This year, my hope is that you will learn everything I know about becoming a single mom by choice, fertility issues, and using a sperm donor and egg donor to conceive. But even more, I hope it inspires you to take whatever path to motherhood (or not) that feels right. As you may know, my…

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infertility made me stronger, better mother

Infertility Made Me Stronger

Infertility made me stronger–it’s true.  When I first learned I was infertile I would have never guessed that it would fundamentally change me for the better. After several years of hemming and hawing, I had only just come to terms with having a baby solo.  I didn’t have a partner yet, so it was time…

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How should I choose a sperm donor or egg donor?

6 Archetypes for Choosing a Sperm Donor

Women ask me all the time, “How should I pick a sperm donor (or egg donor)?” For many it can be one of the most daunting parts of becoming a single mom by choice. After all, picking a donor to provide half of the genes of your child is very significant. Many women contemplate a…

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